C.L. Douglas

C.L. Douglas, a U.S. Army and Police veteran, spent years saying, “Someone ought to write this down.” He was referring to the unforgettable stories from the streets—tales too hilarious or heartbreaking to be anything but real. Motivated by the growing divide between society and law enforcement, especially in the wake of highly publicized incidents that fostered mistrust among those who police officers are meant to serve, he returned to the streets to share the wins, losses, misunderstandings, and rare moments of trust with those who often lived their lives on the other side of the law. His mission? To bridge the gap between those in uniform and the communities they serve.
Douglas is the author of several short stories, blogs, and a small group study designed for first responders. Most recently, he completed Crosswinds, the sequel to Blue & Grey City, which is now in the publication pipeline. As a passionate advocate for first responder families, he has spoken at conferences and seminars to support their unique needs. Visit http://www.cldouglasbooks.com to see his latest projects and discover the backstories behind some of his favorite characters.
When he’s not writing, Douglas is rarely far from his wife and best friend. Together, they tend to their farm animals under the watchful eye of Chopper, their bulldog, or explore the winding backroads of the Southern Appalachian Mountains on his pearl-white police-model Harley Davidson.
Click here to learn more about Blue & Grey City!