If you haven’t read Marc Cullison’s ‘The Other Vietnam War” A Helicopter Pilot’s Life in Vietnam’ yet, what are you waiting for? It’s receiving rave reviews! Here is one from July 15th!

“Being born in the mid sixties, I remember Vietnam, but was too young to really absorb all that was happening. I, of course, have since read much on it. This author gives a different look than most books. I compare it to Leander Stillwell’s A Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War. It’s not meant to be a historical record of battles, events, losses, and victories. Both books are meant to take the reader inside the life of one particular solider; to be with him during his commission. This book causes the reader to see what the author sees, experience what he experiences, and make you feel like you are right alongside him.
It’s not always pretty, and you may not agree with the author’s take or response to some circumstances. But, this book is Marc Cullison’s experience, not ours or anyone else’s. Mr. Cullison is brutally honest and completely open with the reader. That is why I am giving this book 5 stars. He has pulled the curtain back, and allowed us an uncensored view of his life and experience as an officer during the Vietnam War. Thank you for that!”
Don’t have time to sit down and read? Imzadi Publishing has got you covered! This book is also available in audiobook format on Audible and iTunes! Buy your copy today!