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Welcome to Imzadi Publishing's New Newsletter Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to Imzadi Publishing's new newsletter blog! Anita here, finally sharing a new and improved website for Imzadi Publishing!

It has been in interesting year for all of us, some of you may have even been wondering about the state of our little publishing family. Well, I'm here to assure you that all is well, we merely needed a little time to do some planning and adjust to the new world that AI has thrust us all in to. Do we ban it? Do we embrace it? Or do we find a way to utilize it to our (and your) best advantage? I'll give you one guess which we chose. Ding! Ding! Ding! You guessed correctly...we are figuring out how best to utilize it to best benefit us all.

So, what exactly does that mean? We certainly are not embracing the writing aspects of AI, no that's not it. We prize very highly the work you have put your blood sweat and tears into, and will continue decline AI generated manuscripts when they are submitted to us. But, AI can certainly help us market our valued authors (yes, that's you) by scanning what we choose to provide and then directing us towards the most effective keywords and categories for your work, to help readers discover you on the many different websites where your books are sold. That is just one way we have chosen to embrace AI, but we have discovered other ways as well to utilize it with still maintaining the integrity that is so much a part of Imzadi Publishing.

During this time, it became apparent as well that it was time to take our website in a new direction, once again to better serve you. I apologize that it has taken me some time to get this accomplished, and honestly I am still working on aspects of it, but here are some of the new and exciting things coming:

  • Limited sales of hardcopy books (such as signed copies.) Soon, we will be able to arrange for you to sign books, send them to us and then we will place them for sale on the website.

  • Direct sales of digital books in kindle, epub, and pdf formats.

  • Direct sales of swag items that will now be available for you or anyone else to purchase with your book covers on them. Items such as: water tumblers, coffee mugs, mousepads, ipad cases, earbud cases, totebags, t-shirts, hoodies etc.

  • This newsletter will also be a regular part of our website. Now that you've signed up, you have access to read the newsletter at any time and provide feedback to us. You can provide ideas, comments, and even let other authors in know about events going on that they may want to attend. You can also tell everyone about the events you may be a part of so that we can include that in our events page as well.

There will be more to include, but I'll let you know about the developments as I am able to.

Once last thing I would like to mention that some of you may not be aware of. This past summer we had some help from a summer intern by the name of Rebecca Dugan, a very talented up and coming graphic artist who received one of three seats in a very coveted graphic arts program at the University of North Texas. Rebecca's first assignment was taking on the cover art for Marc Cullison's Second Chances, she hit it out of the park too! She and I brainstormed on the concept, but she required very little direction and she was so much fun to work with. Her second assignment was taking on the cover art for Roberto Picado's Desert Ghost. This cover art required her to maintain a branding style since it was the second book in a series. When I asked her for three thumbnail concepts, she provided me with twelve!!! And, while she wasn't able to entirely complete that cover before she had to return to school, that project was definitely a team effort with her doing half of it and me completing the other half myself. I couldn't have been more proud of her. Oh, did I forget to mention she's my neice?

Speaking of new cover art, I recently finished up the cover art for Carin Anne Watson-Bicker's soon to be released title Wings at Sunrise. Carin and I bounced back and forth a little bit to tweak the cover, and I believe the end result really conveys the love that truly weaves in and out through their story.

I think that is all I have to report for the time-being, but this is what you can expect going forward. Let me know your thoughts.

Oh, and to all who have mentioned that Janice's voicemail is full, she's aware. There seems to be an issue with her voicemail, she has emptied it many times yet you are still receiving a message that it's full. So, if you can't get through...shoot her an email at If she somehow misses it, I will see it and between the two of us, we will follow-up with you.

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